Sometimes, the breast surgery just wasn’t right the first time; that’s stressful. Trusting another surgeon to make things right takes a leap of faith.
Embracing Change, Enhancing Confidence
Maybe the changes you’ve seen in your breasts are from time’s arrow: changes over many years have changed your breast lift or breast implants that were good from the start. Life events like weight fluctuations and pregnancy continue to change the body as we age. Other times, a size and shape that worked for you before just isn’t right anymore.
Perhaps you went too small the first time, or perhaps too big. Perhaps you are looking for a different profile implant, or perhaps there is rippling with your current saline implants. Maybe you’re even “done with implants.” I also see scars and healing that didn’t go well with the first surgeon. Sometimes, a scar revision or nipple revision is the solution. Whatever it may be, your goals are my goals.